
  • 兼岡 一郎


  • Research for the Earth Using "Time" as a Weapon: Present Status of Dating and Clarifying the Chemical State of the Earth's Deep Interior Based on Isotope Ratios
  • 地学クラブ講演報告 "時間"を武器に地球を探る--年代測定の現状と,同位体比による地球深部の化学的環境の解明
  • チガク クラブ コウエン ホウコク ジカン オ ブキ ニ チキュウ オ サグル ネンダイ ソクテイ ノ ゲンジョウ ト ドウイタイヒ ニ ヨル チキュウ シンブ ノ カガクテキ カンキョウ ノ カイメイ
  • Present Status of Dating and Clarifying the Chemical State of the Earth's Deep Interior Based on Isotope Ratios
  • ―年代測定の現状と,同位体比による地球深部の化学的環境の解明―



 Based on radiogenic isotopes, we can obtain information about the Earth related to time. Radiometric dating is a typical example. Due to the advanced development of current analytical techniques, radiometric ages covering the Earth's entire history can be obtained with an error of less than 1%, even for a mineral crystal. However, there still remain problems to be clarified including the reliability of decay constants and the meanings of value obtained.<br> In another approach, an isotope ratio including a radiogenic isotope can be used to clarify the evolution of the Earth. By applying multiple isotope systematics for typical volcanic rocks such as Mid-oceanic ridge basalts (MORBs) and oceanic island basalts (OIBs), we conjecture the chemical state of the Earth's interior such as the degree of chemical fractionation and degassing. As an additional material used for clarifying the Earth's deep interior, I demonstrate the significance of kimberlites which might reflect the state of the Earth's deep interior more directly than OIBs.


  • 地学雑誌

    地学雑誌 117 (3), 668-673, 2008

    公益社団法人 東京地学協会

参考文献 (17)*注記


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