Recrystallization Mechanism Involving<110>Rotation in Fe-30Cr Alloy Single Crystal

  • Okada Tatsuya
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokushima
  • Liu Wen-Yue
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokushima
  • Inoko Fukuji
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokushima


  • Recrystallization Mechanism Involving ⟨110⟩ Rotation in Fe–30Cr Alloy Single Crystal
  • Recrystallization Mechanism Involving &lang;110&rang; Rotation in Fe&ndash;30Cr Alloy Single Crystal



An Fe–30Cr single crystal sample was compressed along a ⟨111⟩ axis at room temperature. Slip bands on a {011} surface (front surface) were examined. A multiple-slip region was formed, where slips to three ⟨111⟩ directions were activated. Because of the predominant activation of a ⟨111⟩ slip which was parallel to the front surface, the multipleslip region was rotated through 40° about the surface normal. After annealing, many recrystallized grains were formed in the multiple-slip region and their orientations were examined at both front and back surfaces. The sample was then cut into halves to study recrystallization in the interior. The orientation of the majority of recrystallized grains formed at front and back surfaces was related to the orientation of the multiple-slip region by rotation about one of ⟨110⟩ axes. The number of recrystallized grains rotated about two specific ⟨110⟩ axes was much larger than that of recrystallized grains rotated about the other ⟨110⟩ axes. The direction of rotation was singular for each observed surface and opposite to the initial rotation of the multiple-slip region caused by compression. In the interior of the sample, similarly to recrystallization at free surfaces, many ⟨110⟩-rotated grains were formed and the same singularity about the direction of rotation was also confirmed. However the predominance of recrystallized grains rotated about two specific ⟨110⟩ axes was not recognized in the interior of the sample. A simple dislocation network model for the nucleation of recrystallized grains was applied to account for the characteristic recrystallization behavior.


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