Oscillatory Reaction Using Immobilized Catalase

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  • SASAKI Satoshi
    School of Bionics, Tokyo University of Technology
  • ARAI Yoshikazu
    Department of Electronics, School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Technology



Oscillation is found in many biological systems, and among them the enzymatic oscillatory reaction has been well studied using an enzyme solution. We show in this study for the first time that oscillation occurs when catalase is immobilized to controlled pore glass (CPG). The oscillatory wave mode changes with the distance among the CPG, electrode, or dialysis membrane. The lower substrate concentration results in oscillation with a longer period. This tendency agrees with a previous study using an enzyme solution. Furthermore, we show that the oscillation occurs when no dialysis membrane is used. These results show the wider applicability of the system to analysis or novel device fabrication.


  • Analytical Sciences

    Analytical Sciences 20 (6), 895-898, 2004

    社団法人 日本分析化学会

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