Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Twin Pregnancy

    Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine
  • KAMBARA Misa
    Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine
  • TANAKA Sayoko
    Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine
  • SUZUKI Tomoko
    Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine
  • OMORI Yasue
    Diabetes Center, Ebina General Hospital
  • UCHIGATA Yasuko
    Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine

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<p>Aim: We aimed to investigate diabetic retinopathy and its association with clinical factors in Japanese patients with twin pregnancy.</p><p>Methods: Ten diabetic women had a twin pregnancy between 1977 and 2010. The incidence rate of deterioration in retinopathy was compared with 20 control patients with single pregnancy matched for diabetes type, age and retinopathy in early pregnancy. The clinical factor for diabetic retinopathy in twin pregnancy was also assessed.</p><p>Results: In the early pregnancy, 5 patients had simple retinopathy, 1 patient had proliferative retinopathy and the others had no retinopathy. In 4 patients, retinopathy deteriorated during pregnancy: from no retinopathy to simple retinopathy in 1 patient, from simple to preproliferative in 1 patient, and from simple to proliferative in 2 patients. There was no significant difference in the rate of deterioration in retinopathy as compared with control patients with single pregnancy (40 % vs 20 %). In twin pregnancy, the pre-pregnancy BMI in patients with deterioration in retinopathy was higher than that in patients without deterioration (25.6±3.0 vs 20.0±1.5, p<0.05).</p><p>Conclusion: This study did not show that twin pregnancy is a risk factor for the progression of retinopathy. Pre-pregnancy BMI was associated with deterioration in retinopathy.</p>


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