A Case of Bilateral Deafness due to Mumps

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  • 両側ムンプス聾例
  • リョウガワ ムンプス ロウレイ

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A case of bilateral total deafness after mumps infection is reported. A five-year-old boy complained of bilateral deafness after the onset of bilateral parotid swelling. Audiogram showed profound bilateral hearing loss at all frequencies.<br>We diagnosed labyrinthisis due to mumps virus. High dose of steroid was administered, but hearing did not recover. Thereafter, he was fitted with a hearing aid, but it provided insufficient assistance. He underwent cochlear implant surgery of the left ear, and he recovered hearing up to 40dB. He is now studying in elementary school.<br>We review seven patients (eight ears) with mumps induced hearing loss treated at Hyogo College of Medicine between April 1997 and March 2002. Six patients demonstrated unilateral loss, but one patient demonstrated bilateral loss. The hearing levels in the five patients were scaled out at the initial examination. The antibody for mumps, IgM and IgG, both showed a high titer in six cases. High dose of steroid was administered in six cases, but none of them recovered hearing.<br>When bilateral deafness due to mumps infection occurs and steroid therapy is not effective, cochlear implant surgery to recover hearing is recommended.


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