両側温度眼振喪失を来した硫酸ストレプトマイシン中毒の1例  平衡機能検査,聴力検査による回復過程の観察


  • A Report of a Case with Bilateral Dead Labyrinths Following Streptomycin Treatment, with Reference to Results from the Tests for Equilibrium and Hearing Functions
  • リョウソク オンド ガンシン ソウシツ オ キタシタ リュウサン ストレプトマ
  • 平衡機能検査, 聴力検査による回復過程の観察



A 61-year old woman, given 12g of streptomycin sulfate intramuscularly, caloric nystagmus disappeared with administration 50cc of ice water to both ears, as did the impairment of bodily equilibrium reflexes, particularly the righting reflex. She was observed for 5 months therefore, with special regard to recovery of the disequilibrium mentioned above. The results obtained were as follows:<br>(1) Caloric nystagmus reappeared on the right side 19 days after cessation of streptomycin treatment and there was a poor nystagmic response to 50cc of ice water. Such findings were never observed on the left side through out the entire period of observation. Furthermore, recovery was less obvious in nystagmic responses than inbodily equilibrium reflexes, particularly the righting reflex.<br>(2) Abnormality of eye tracking and optokinetic nystagmus transiently appeared 2 and 3 months after cessation of streptomycin treatment, respectively. Such was in parallel with the appearance of an increased hearing loss. Furthermore, hearing tests revealed that the above mentioned hearing loss was reversible and was due to dysfunction of the retrocochlear system.



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