A Peculiar Spontaneous Nystagmus in a Patient with Spinocerebellar Ataxia; Analysis of the Nystagmus Based on Neurotological, Neurological and CT Findings

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A 28-year-old woman with a slowly progressive ataxic gait was examined using routine neurological, CT scanning and equilibrium testing procedures. The following results were obtained:<br>1) Neurological examinations and CT scanning revealed that symptoms were due to a dysfunction of the cerebellum with lesions of both the vermis and hemisphere.<br>2) The spontaneous nystagmus tests revealed a peculiar nystagmus which was irregular and similar to a congenital nystagmus. Furthermore, the nystagmus altered its direction like a nystagmus alternans. A marked disturbance of the righting reflex, such as falling backwards was also observed.<br>From the results described in (1) and (2), the following conclusions were drawn:<br>(1) Symptoms were due to spino-cerebellar atrophy (Type of Déjèrine-Thomas), although the characteristics of spontaneous nystagmus were rather different from those of the nystagmus hitherto reported.<br>(2) The nystagmus referred to herein was attributed to lesions of the brain stem. In contrast, disturbance of the body reflex was attributable to lesions of the cerebellum, particularly the vermis.


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