視床下部に起因した情動行動の条件づけ IV  条件回避・逃避行動に対する2,3薬物の作用


  • Conditioning of emotional behavior caused by hypothalamic electrical stimulation (Report 4)—Effects of central acting drugs on avoidance and escape behavior in rabbits
  • シショウカブ ニ キインシタ ジョウドウ コウドウ ノ ジョウケンズケ 4 ジ



In the present study, effects of psychotropic drugs were analyzed by observing avoidance and escape behavior of rabbits under hypothalamic electrical stimulation. In avoidance behavior, chlorpromazine (CPZ) and diazepam (DZP) depressed avoidance response and extended avoidance response latency and head movement latency. Autonomic behavior such as opening of palpebral fissure and pupil size were also delayed. The locus of movement and count of head movement were depressed by the administration of each drug. On the other hand, unlike CPZ, DZP extended escape response latency. On escape behavior, effects of CPZ and DZP were apparently different. Unlike CPZ, DZP induced avoidance behavior and increased locus of movement. With methamphetamine, no avoidance behavior was observed, but under conditional stimulation, the behavior and the escape response latency were decreased. Chlordiazepoxide induced avoidance behavior.


  • 日本薬理学雑誌

    日本薬理学雑誌 72 (6), 701-708, 1976

    公益社団法人 日本薬理学会


詳細情報 詳細情報について

