


  • Effects of <SUP>90</SUP>Sr and <SUP>137</SUP>Cs administered continuously and through Generations upon Mice



Mice of NA-2 strain were administered continuously and through generations with 90Sr and 137Cs contained in drinking water. Concentration of the isotopes was divided into three levels; Group I: (90Sr 0.1μCi and 137Cs 0.4μCi) /ml, GroupII: (0.01and 0.04μCi) /ml, Group III: (0.001and 0.004μCi) /ml, and Group IV (Control) was fed with noncontaminated water. Abnormality of growth, life-span and reproduction in these groups were summed up till 10th generation. Group I showed shortening of life-span and lost reproductive function already in 2nd generation. Group II showed injury of growth and reproduction and shortening of life-span, but kept proceeding of the generations. In Group III we could not observe such injury as seen in GrouprI and II, but there appeared increase in reproductive function and lengthening of life-span. It can be concluded that Group I and II were obviously in state of radiation injury, but Group III was in some excited state by 90Sr and 137Cs. Another remarkable character of Group III is that tolerance against whole body irradiation of 700 R was aquired not by genetic mutation or selection but by effect of the isotopes after birth and that the tolerance was more intence in female than in male mice. This tendency was found also in Group II, but the tolerance was weaker.


  • 保健物理

    保健物理 3 (4), 393-401, 1968


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