

  • A phytogeographical study of Kobresio-Oxytropidetum nigrescens japonicae.
  • ヒゲハリスゲ オヤマノエンドウ グンシュウ ノ ショクブツ チリガクテキ ケン



The spatial distribution of plant communities can be used to determine their historical development. The element values (EV) calculated from the syntaxonomical table and phytogeographical element were used for the analysis : Element value=Σ(presence value P × number of species with constancy degree S), (P=0.1,0.5,1,2,3,4,5,when S=r, +, I, II, III, IV, V, respectively). The mountains Kitadake (3192m) and Shiroumadake (2933m) of the Japanese Alpine Zones were selected for comparing the geographical distribution patterns of their alpine meadow, Carici-Kobresietea bellardii. From a study of 37 phytosociological releves, both areas were classified as Kobresio-Oxytropidetum nigrescens japonicae. Syntaxonomical subunits of the community were determined as phytosociological races, which represent the geographical variation. For the association level, the EV of the northern element, including boreal and arctic elements as well as the circumpolar element, was 92.2 (80.0%) on Kitadake and 109 (89.3%) on Shiroumadake. For the race level, the EV of the northern element is 17.6 (59%) on Kitadake and 32.5 (87%) on Shiroumadake. On Kitadake, the differential species of race are derived from eastern Asia, the northern Pacific region and the Japanese lower montane regions.


  • 日本生態学会誌

    日本生態学会誌 47 (3), 249-260, 1997

    一般社団法人 日本生態学会

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