

  • Education in Social Research as Civic Liberal Arts Education in an Information Society
  • ジョウホウカ シャカイ ニ オケル シミンテキ キョウヨウ キョウイク ト シテノ シャカイ チョウサ キョウイク トウケイテキ リサーチ リテラシー ノ イクセイ オ チュウシン ニ
  • 統計的リサーチ・リテラシーの育成を中心に



The education in statistics, which was introduced for the democratization of postwar Japan, has been impaired by cutbacks in the school curriculum in recent educational reforms.<br>In an information society, statistical literacy plays a crucial role in the field of civic education as it facilitates adequate political and social participation by understanding research data, e. g., opinion research data. Also for the education in sociology, teaching social research techniques is important, since it cultivates a sociological imagination by mediating between social theory and reality through constructing hypothesis and casual schema. However, at present, in education in social research, there are not only considerable gaps among universities in terms of resources in social research education but also important techniques of analysis have not yet been adequately taught. Indeed, for quantitative research, the technique of multivariate analysis and for qualitative research, the methods of field notes and document analysis, have not been adequately taught. Thus, from now on, we have to eager to teach these methods in addition to the methods of collecting data.<br>It is a crucial task of education in social research as civic education to facilitate democratic social participation in an information society by cultivating research literacy for the appropriate understanding of the diverse information obtained from popular media.


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