

  • Predicament of Fieldwork as a Research Method
  • フィールド チョウサホウ ノ キュウジョウ オ コエテ



In recent years, the number of studies using, among others, ethnographic or life history techniques has increased dramatically in social research. In terms of methodology, in contrast to the rise of such studies, qualitative research-of which fieldwork research is representative-has been consistently left to occupy a marginal role. In addition, the movement of ideas that emerged in the mid-1980s and which showed steep skepticism towards ethnography was influential in a way that fundamentally refuted the potentialities of fieldwork-based ethnography. In view of these developments, we are compelled to ask if fieldwork research has a future.<BR>When considering this question, the controversy on social research involving Nitagai and Nakano in the 1970s has lost none of its significance today. This controversy between Nitagai-who attempted to redefine research as a “partnership” between the researcher and the researched-and Nakano-who placed emphasis on the heterogeneity of the relationship between the two sides-has raised two important questions that have transcended time. The first one deals with perception of the self and individuality, and the second questions the possibility of a mutual understanding and exchange between two subjects holding differing viewpoints. The former forms part of the ontological debate on cooperation (solidarity) and the latter the epistemological debate on the perception of the researched from the researcher's logos and sensitivity.<BR>This paper investigates the potentialities of a perception and understanding based on the perception of reality in fieldwork research.


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