開拓部落に於けるSocio-economic Statusの測定と若干の問題


  • Some Problems on the Measurement of the Scoio-economic Status in the Rural Villages under Reclamation
  • カイタク ブラク ニ オケル Socioeconomic Status ノ ソクテイ ト ジャッカン ノ モンダイ
  • 四種スケールの一致性を繞る吟味



Whether it is possible or not to establish any basic proposition in the quantitative understanding of social phenomena ? This study aims to outline the reflection on that question by experimental testing. The basic proposition examined here is that the measured results of the same object by different correct scales have relative conformity. To examine this, we used the “Socio-economic Status Scale” by F. S. Chapin and W. H. Sewell which is taken to be most effective on the research of this sort of social phenomena. We elaborated that seale considering the minimum needs to make a new one. And we made two more scales on its application. Selected objects for the study were three villages under reclamation in Hokkaido : Takuhoku and Kyowa buraku in Tokachi Region and poor household settlement at Saroma in Abashiri Region. The number of these families were 58 in all. <BR>The research by the four scales showed almost same results. In Takuhoku buraku, the status differentiation was the most remarkable, and in Saroma the status scores were lowest. We got also unexpected conformity in other respects. Then on the so-called cross-community in which the three villages merged we studied the distribution of the status in each village. Takuhoku, Kyowa and Soroma formed “regular strata” in order concerning both highest and lowest limits. Moreover the correlation between the status score gained by each family and the cash income was high. <BR>However, in spite of these considerable conformity, some problems remain. By what standard is the stratification conducted ? What is the fundamental theory regarding the elaboration of scale ? And so on. We need seriously the theoretical considerations to solve them.


  • 社会学評論

    社会学評論 5 (2), 11-28,144, 1955



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