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  • Reconsidering Resistance and Subjectivity Approaches to Studying Homelessness
  • ノジュクシャ ノ テイコウ ト シュタイセイ ジョセイ ノジュクシャ ノ ニチジョウテキ ジッセン カラ
  • Everyday Lives of Homeless Women
  • 女性野宿者の日常的実践から



Homelessness has been on the rise in Japan. In response to the view that homeless people are deviant and require rehabilitation, researchers studying homelessness have focused on the subjectivity and resistance of the homeless living on the street. Generally, such research argues that the homeless continue to work, with the underlying assumption that they largely comprise males. Thus, this approach ignores the homeless who are not working men.<BR>While focusing on homeless women, this paper is grounded in fieldwork that was conducted in a park and at a shelter in Tokyo. Studies on homelessness have overlooked homeless women because the proportion of women is only 2.9 percent. However, the everyday lives of homeless women are different from those of homeless men.<BR>The narratives of homeless women obtained through interviews with them were often incoherent and at sometimes, contradictory. These interviews revealed that the decision to continue living on the street or quit rough sleeping depended on a homeless woman's relationship with her spouse, other homeless people, volunteers, and welfare officers. In one case, a homeless woman repeatedly changed the place where she slept, between parks, hotels, or shelters, due to her relationship with others. The transience of homeless women may be attributed to the constraints of rough sleeping and their dependency on others, in other words, their double marginality in terms of being women as well as homeless. However, these characteristics cannot be considered as a mere reflection of inherent tendencies but rather as a set of responses to the specific conditions faced by them. Moreover, these responses can also be observed not only in the case of homeless women but also among homeless men.<BR>With the impetus to study homelessness from the perspectives of resistance and subjectivity, researchers have lost sight of performative practices. By presuming a modem subjectivity, in which individuals have the will to choose the outcomes of their lives, researchers have failed to observe and understand the fragmental experiences of homelessness.





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