Cutaneous Periarteritis Nodosa. A Clinical Entity?

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  • 皮膚型結節性動脈周囲炎の独立性
  • 皮膚型結節性動脈周囲炎の独立性--自験例10例と本邦文献例からの考察
  • ヒフガタ ケッセツセイ ドウミャク シュウイエン ノ ドクリツセイ ジケンレイ
  • —Report of Ten Patients and Review of the Japanese Literature—
  • ―自験例10例と本邦文献例からの考察―

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Dermatological as well as other clinical examinations of 10 patients with histologically confirmed cutaneous periarteritis nodosa were made. The patients consisted of 5 males and 5 females, the ages ranging from 21 to 61 years. There were 7 patients with arthralgia paralleling to the cutaneous lesions, 5 patients with myalgia, 6 patients with recurrent aphthae, 2 patients with epididymitis, 2 patients with hypertension and one with recurrent iritis suggesting an abortive form of Behçet's disease. The follow-up examinations were made for a period of 2 months to 5 years and 6 months, during which period the cutaneous lesions were recurrent in most of the patients though no life-threatening internal complications were observed. A review of 43 patients reported as cutaneous periarteritis nodosa in the Japanese literature revealed only 2 patients followed for over one year. This indicated that further follow-up studies on these patients might disclose systemic involvements. Cutaneous periarteritis nodosa appears to be a milder reactive group and should be further evaluated before being established as a clinical entity.


  • Nishi Nihon Hifuka

    Nishi Nihon Hifuka 39 (5), 719-724, 1977

    Western Division of Japanese Dermatological Association

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