- 高橋 正樹
- 茨城大学理学部地球科学教室
- タイトル別名
- Large-volume Felsic Volcanism and Crustal Strain Rate
- ダイキボ ケイチョウシツ カザン カツドウ ト チカク ヒズミソクド
There is no positive correlation between the long-term eruption rate of large-scale felsic volcanism and its discharge volume of a single eruptive episode. This means that the storage of voluminous felsic magma at high-level in the crust is caused not by high magma production rate but by continuous accumulation of magma during a long repose time, if the long-term eruption rate reflects the averaged magma production rate. If the cruslal defomation is weak, the magma chamber could be stable in the crust; it is favorable for efficient accumulation of voluminous magma. In fact, the large-volume felsic volcanism occurs exclusively in the region of low crustal strain rate. The low crustal strain rate is considered to be essential for the formation of large-scale felsic volcanism. The large-volume felsic volcanic activity is present in the compressional tectonic stress field as well as in the extensional one; the difference in arrangement of principal stress axes is not related to the occurrence of voluminous felsic volcanism.
- 火山
火山 40 (1), 33-42, 1995
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
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- 本文言語コード
- ja
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