

  • On the Whirling Direction of Ridges in Whorl-type Fingerprints
  • シモン ニ オケル カジョウ モンリュウセン ノ ウズマキ ホウコウ ニ ツイ



On the basis of the following five samples, the whirling direction of ridges in whoral-type fingerprints was inverstigated.<br>Sample A: Fingerprints of 91 Japanese males from the Tohoku District. (See Tables 1-3.)<br>Sample B: Fingerprints of 45 pairs of male monozygotic twins (total 90 individuals) from the Kanto District. (See Tables 4 and 5.)<br>Sample C: Fingerprints of 63 male and female Japanese from the Chubu District. (Secondarily<br>this was subdivided into three samples according to handedness.) (See Tables 6 and 7.)<br>Sample D: Fingerprints of 51 male Tayals in Taiwan. (See Table 7.)<br>Sample E: Fingerprints of 31 male and female polynesians from the Samoa Islands. (See Table 7.)<br>The results obtained are as follows (See Fig. 1 as to the abbreviations.)<br>(1) The occurence of Wr-type remarkably surpasses that of Wu-type in the all samples (Wr Wu_??_7 to 8 ; 2 to 3).<br>(2) The above tendency is more conspicuous in the left hand than in the right hand (Wr : Wu_??_9 :1 in the left, 6 : 4 in the light, showing a obvious bimanual asymmetry).<br>(3) Among five individual digits (I-V), digits I and V especially frequently bear Wr-type, while digits II and IV are characterized by relatively frequent occurence of Wu.<br>(4) There is no remarkable genetic relationship between both of the whirling direction (Wr, Wo, or Wu) and the flowing direction (RW, DW, or UW) of ridges in whorl-type fingerprint.<br>(5) From the comparison of fingerprint types between corresponding digits in monozygotic twins (table 5), it is deducible that genetic factors seem to be remarkably relating to the for-mation of whiring direction of ridges in whorl-type fingerprint. (This conclusion is not dedu-cible from the comparison of fingerprint types between homologous digits of opposite hands in each individual of the same monozygotic twins, possibly because of abovementioned obvious bimanual difference or asymmetry in the character concerned here.)<br>(6) It seems that the whirling direction of ridges in whorl-type fingerprint does not have close relationship to the handedness. (See Table 6.)


  • 人類學雜誌

    人類學雜誌 83 (2), 191-202, 1975

    一般社団法人 日本人類学会


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