Consideration of Shear Band Formation by Elastoplastic Constitutive Equation of Soils with Tangential Stress Rate Effect.

    The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • TSUTSUMI Seiichiro
    The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • OKAYASU Takashi
    The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
  • SAITOH Koshiro
    The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

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  • セッセン オウリョク ソクド オ コウリョ シタ ジバン ザイリョウ ノ ダンソセイ コウセイシキ ニ ヨル センダンタイ ハッセイ ノ リロンテキ コウサツ

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It is required to take account of the plastic instability phenomenon with the bifurcation and the localization of deformation for the analysis of the large deformation process, aiming at the development of mechanical design of agricultural machinery and other machinery or structures. The elastoplastic constitutive equation of soils extended so as to describe the finite deformation under the general loading process with the cyclic loading and the abrupt variation of loading path is proposed in the previous article. Based on it, the formation condition of shear band under undrained plane strain condition is analyzed.



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