Selected Results of Retrieval and Statistics from Radiation Oncology Greater Area Database(ROGAD). From 2nd Data Collection (1992) to 6th Data Collection (1997).


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  • 放射線腫よう学広域データベースROGADの検索及び集計の例  第2次(1992年)より第6次(1997年)
  • 第2次 (1992年) より第6次 (1997年)


Radiotherapy clinical records of 7, 057 cases were collected from 208 hospitals in the period from 1992 to 1997 as recorded in the Radiation Oncology Greater Area Database (ROGAD) under the Japanese Society for Therapecutic Radiology and Oncology JASTRO, and their statistical analysis was carried out. A portion of these are presented in this paper.<BR>Case distribution in terms of ICD-O code for primary tumor region expressed by 286 tables and 286 figures were worked out, but only 26 figures were selected for presentation here. Chronological variation of cases distribution during those six years were found and stated as follow as examples.<BR>Primary response in “head and neck” and “ungs and bronchus” showed improvement both in terms of complete response (CR) and partial response (PR) in those 6 years. As for female genital organs, both CR and “alive with cancer” showed improvement. The averaged figures for all topographical regions for these 7, 057 cases reveal that CR, CR+PR, “alive with cancer” and “alive without cancer” increased relatively, and we can state that total contribution of radiotherapy itself is increasing.<BR>The rate of chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy had increased and that of surgery combined with radiotherapy had decreased in the primary tumor region of both esophagus and female genital organs. Cases of radiotherapy alone without any other treatment have a tendency to incerase in lungs and bronchus. Ratios of primary regions of lungs and bronchus, liver, biliary tract and pancreas, bones and hematopoietic systems, breast and stomach and colon compared with that of total topographic regions involving other regions are found to have increased. In contrast, female genital organs and head and neck regions decreaced on a relative basis.<BR>Change of performance status between at radiotherapy start and at radiotherapy termination for primary regions of lungs and bronchus and breast searched in 1996 tells that radiotherapy contributed to improve PS as far as the primary response is concerned. But change of PS from the time of radiotherapy termination of treatment in the two topographical regions mentioned above in February of 1996 to the time of follow up survey in June of 1997, which was 16 months after radiotherapy termination, does not indicate any improvement.<BR>One record for irradiated topographical region in radiotherapy treatment is composed of 13 items with 48 fields, and one record for follow up investigation is composed of 5 items with 7 fields. Consequently, various combinations of logical and clinical interest in data retrieval and statistics can be worked out. Further findings and interpretations of statistics extracted from this database ROGAD can be sent to ROGAD subscribers. We plan to deliver user friendly software packages that are capable of conducting statistics and database subsets to any subscriber.<BR>However, the most important thing is that intensive effort is paid to maintain confidence level for clinical data registration at sites of database subscribers in every radiotherapy facility anywhere in Japan.


  • The Journal of JASTRO

    The Journal of JASTRO 10 (4), 337-353, 1999

    Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology

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