顕微鏡法(フェレー径)とレーザ回析で測定した粒子径分布の比較 - SRフェライトの粉砕産物について

DOI 機関リポジトリ HANDLE Web Site オープンアクセス


  • A Comparison of Particle Size Distributions Measured by Microscopic (Feret Diameter) and Laser Diffraction Method. Ground Product of Sr-Ferrite.
  • 顕微鏡法(フェレー径)とレーザ回折法で測定した粒子径分布の比較  Srフェライトの粉砕産物について
  • ケンビキョウホウ フェレーケイ ト レーザ カイセツホウ デ ソクテイ シタ リュウシケイ ブンプ ノ ヒカク Sr フェライト ノ フンサイ サンブツ ニ ツイテ
  • Ground Product of Sr-Ferrite
  • Srフェライトの粉砕産物について



It is a important analysis to evaluate correctly the size of fine or ultrafine particles for raw materials or products in many kinds of industries. There are many different principles to measure the particle size. The laser diffraction and scattering method is the most popular one, but it is first necessary to confirm the particle size by a microscope.<BR>In this study, size distributions of Sr-ferrite particles were measured by the microscopic method and the laser diffraction method. The Sr-ferrite particles used as the sample were ground in the dry, the wet and dry grinding with methanol as grinding aid by a ball mill. The particle size distributions which were measured by the two methods were compared.<BR>As a result, the sizes measured by the laser diffraction method were larger than the feret diameters measured by the microscopic method.


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