Resection Case of Retroperitoneal Gangrlioneuroma: A Case Report

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  • 後腹膜神経節細胞腫の1切除例

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A 38-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for treatment of a retroperitoneal tumor associated with epigastric pain. Abdominal ultrasonography showed a hypoechoic mass with clear boundaries and a diameter of 30 mm located dorsal to the pancreas body and to the right of the superior mesenteric artery. The tumor had a low intensity on T1-weighted MRI and a partial high intensity on T2-weighted MRI. Computed tomography showed that the tumor had clear boundaries, a uniform internal density, and a mild delayed enhancement. MIBG scintigraphy showed no accumulation. Findings of gastrointestinal endoscopy and colonoscopy were unremarkable. On the basis of these findings, a retroperitoneal tumor was diagnosed. Upon excision of the retroperitoneal tumor, histological findings showed that it was a ganglioneuroma. The patient made a satisfactory recovery and was discharged on postoperative day 12. The patient remains well with no evidence of tumor recurrence at 1 year after resection.



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