Hyperthermic therapy of retinoblastoma using non-contact microwave applicator.

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  • 網膜芽細胞腫の空間放射型アプリケーターによる治療法に関する研究


A non-contact microwave applicator was able to succesfully heat the posterior part of the retina near the optic disc of rabbits. The calculated temperature coincided with the actual measurment. The conventional Lagendijk type applicat does not heat sufficiently the posterior part of the retina. Our system cooled the anterior part of the eyeball of rabbits with water bolus. Microwave frequency was 2450MHz. The eyeball SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) distribution and its circumferential temperatures (boundary conditions) were measured using thermistors resistant to microwave irradiation (ACT). The temperature distribution in an eyeball sagital cross section was calculated using the finite element method. Calculated results were obtained from the SAR profile and boundary conditions. The calculated temperature at the midpoint of the eyeball was almost the same with the value measured by the ACT. The temperature of posterior part of the retina increased moderately. This method appears promising for safe and effective hyperthermic therapy of retinoblastoma.


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