New Laser Ablation System for Quantitative Analysis of Solid Samples by ICP-MS

  • ISHIDA Tomoharu
    Analysis & Characterization Research Dept., Steel Research Laboratory, JFE Steel Corporation
  • AKIYOSHI Takanori
    Standardization Center, The Japan Iron and Steel Federation
    Analysis & Characterization Division, JFE Techno-Research Corporation
  • KINOSHIRO Satoshi
    Analysis & Characterization Research Dept, Steel Research Laboratory, JFE Steel Corporation
  • FUJIMOTO Kyoko
    Analysis & Characterization Research Dept., Steel Research Laboratory, JFE Steel Corporation
  • CHINO Atsushi
    Analysis & Characterization Research Dept, Steel Research Laboratory, JFE Steel Corporation

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  • 誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による固体試料直接定量分析のための新しいレーザーアブレーションシステムの開発
  • ユウドウ ケツゴウ プラズマ シツリョウ ブンセキホウ ニ ヨル コタイ シリョウ チョクセツ テイリョウ ブンセキ ノ タメ ノ アタラシイ レーザーアブレーション システム ノ カイハツ

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The laser ablation (LA) method brings purposeful effect for quantitative analysis. A new LA system has been developed for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This system consists of a high-frequency Q-switched laser and 2 scanning mirrors for moving the ablation spot in an adequate area without any vacant space. The influence of elemental fractionation (non-stoichiometric generation of vapor species) can be removed by repetitive radiation of this pattern on the same area. Particles generated with 0.6 W of average laser power in the developed LA system gave intensity and stability nearly equal to that of a 500 μg/ml solution steel sample in solution ICP-MS. The analytical performance of the developed LA-ICP-MS was compared with that of a solution ICP-MS using NIST steel SRMs. The developed system is no less than the usual solution ICP-MS in accuracy and precision. The correlation coefficients between the contents and the intensity ratios to Fe were over 0.99 in most elements. The relative standard deviation (RSD) obtained by LA-ICP-MS revealed that this system could analyze iron samples with good precision. The results of an ultra trace-level analysis of high-purity iron showed that the developed LA-ICP-MS was able to analyze ppm levels of concentration with a 20∼30 ppb level of standard deviation. The detection limits were 10 ppb levels in most elements.<br>



    BUNSEKI KAGAKU 55 (4), 229-236, 2006

    The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

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