Pretreatment with Photodecomposition for Speciation of Dissolved Phosphorus Compounds and Investigation on Their Photodecomposition Mechanism
- Nishi Takashi
- Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
- Hirayasu Takahiro
- Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
- Kubono Koji
- Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
- Yokoi Kunihiko
- Division of Natural Science, Osaka Kyoiku University
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- Other Title
- 溶存態リン化学種のスペシエーションのための光分解前処理法と光分解反応機構
- ヨウゾンタイ リン カガクシュ ノ スペシエーション ノ タメ ノ ヒカリ ブンカイ マエ ショリ ホウ ト ヒカリ ブンカイ ハンノウ キコウ
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A pretreatment method for the speciation of dissolved phosphorus compounds in water samples is proposed. For a sample solution containing orthophosphate, organophosphorus compound, and polyphosphoric acid, a three-step procedure has been developed for the determination of each phosphorus compound. At first, orthophosphate was determined with a conventional molybdenum-blue method. Second, an organophosphorus compound was decomposed selectively to orthophosphate by five minutes of UV irradiation with using a 400 W low-pressure mercury lamp. Finaly, in the presence of sulfuric acid and photocatalytic TiO2, the organophosphorus compound and polyphosphoric acid were decomposed to orthophosphate by thirty-five minutes of UV irradiation. The orthophosphate concentration obtained for each step was successfully used to estimate the concentration of the orthophosphate, organophosphorus compound, and the polyphosphoric acid originally present. In addition, an investigation of the wavelength dependence of the decomposition efficiency with a colored glass filter, showed that the irradiation of 184.9 nm is important for photodecomposing an organophosphorus compound; that of 365 nm in the presence of photocatalytic TiO2 is important to photodecompose polyphosphoric acid. This new method should be effective as a pretreatment method for the speciation of dissolved phosphorus compounds.
BUNSEKI KAGAKU 59 (8), 659-664, 2010
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679331763968
- NII Article ID
- 10026569548
- NII Book ID
- AN00222633
- 1:CAS:528:DC%2BC3MXjsVWktLo%3D
- 10808645
- 05251931
- Text Lang
- ja
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