
  • 宮内 宏哉
    京都府中小企業技術センター 京都大学大学院工学研究科材料工学専攻
  • 中西 貞博
  • 山本 孝
  • 河合 潤


  • Analysis of Valence for Chromium in Soil and Plastic Samples Using Laboratory XAFS Spectrometer
  • ジッケンシツケイ Xセン キュウシュウ ブンコウ ブンセキ ソウチ オ モチイル ドジョウ オヨビ プラスチック チュウ クロム ノ カスウ ヒョウカ



Hexavalent {Cr(VI)} and trivalent chromium {Cr(III)} in environmental materials such as soil and plastics were investigated using a laboratory X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectrometer equipped a W anode X-ray tube. The Cr-K X-ray absorption edges were observed on the XANES spectra of soil (total chromium 606 ppm) and plastic (213 ppm) samples with a fluorescence mode, while the signal-to-noise (SN) ratios of these spectra were too low to determine the height of pre-edge peak of Cr(VI) and the value of the energy on the Cr-K X-ray absorption edge. The XANES spectra of reference samples prepared by Cr2O3 {Cr(III)} and CrO3 {Cr(VI)} particle reagents were also recorded with the transmission mode. In order to improve the SN ratios of XANES spectra, a smoothing treatment by Savitzky-Golay method was applied to the XANES spectra of the soil and plastic samples. By the smoothing treatment, SN ratios of these spectra were improved, though the height of pre-edge peak on the XANES spectra of Cr(VI) reference sample had decreased less than 5%. The height of pre-edge peak and the value of the energy on the Cr-K X-ray absorption edge of soil and plastic samples were given by smoothed XANES spectra. Using the height of pre-edge peak and the value of the energy on the Cr-K X-ray absorption edge of reference samples, the ratios of Cr(VI)/Cr(III) on the soil and plastic samples were calculated.


  • 分析化学

    分析化学 58 (4), 321-325, 2009

    公益社団法人 日本分析化学会

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