Trends in Fuel and Lubricant for Internal Combustion Engine


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Other Title
  • 内燃機関における燃料と潤滑油の最近の趨勢
  • 昭和31年10月7日第24回大会講演


commercial jet plane will be put in commission in next several years. Then it is demanded that the fuel of same specification can be supplied in everywhere in the world. Kerosene type jet fuel will be suitable for commercial use. Recently low grade fuel oils are used for low speed diesel engine. Then large supercharged two cycle diesel engine is developed and used as the main engine of most new ships. Many problem for investigation are remained about corrosion in these large engines and additives for combustion.<BR>About the gas turbine, the corrosion of blade by vanadium in fuels and the reduetion of fuel consumption must be investigated. Althongh they are small in number, motor cars derived by gas turbines will run in next ten years. These engines do not require high octane gasoline and large quantity of crank case oils but special heat-resistant lubricant will be necessary. The other hand, gasoline engines of motor-car will demand more high octane gasolines. Then it is the urgent ploblem that to decide the scale of antionock rating over 100 octane number gasoluies. The road octane number is also the important problem to investigate, the anthor introduced the result of his researches.


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