Successful treatment with the use of muscle flaps in thoracic surgery. (10 patients.).

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  • 胸部外科領域における有茎筋肉弁使用例

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We review our clinical experience with muscle flaps in thoracic surgery. Over the past 6 years, we have employed transposition of a muscle flap, either alone or in combination with synthetic materials, in 10 patients (7 males, 3 females, aged 42-63 year old, average 55 year old). Muscle flaps were implanted in infected cavities in 7 patients (2 thoracic empyema, 2 cold abscess of the chest wall, 1 pericostal tuberculosis, 1 mediastinitis, 1 costal chondritis) and used to reconstruct the chest-wall in 3 (1 recurrent breast cancer, 2 chest-wall tumors). All of the wounds closed primarily with no significant complications.<BR>Our experience suggests that muscle flap transposition is reliable and useful for chestwall reconstruction and for closure of infected cavities in both intrathoracic spaces and the chest wall.


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