

  • Study on PCDDs/DFs Generation from PAHs in the Industrial Waste Incinerators
  • サンギョウ ハイキブツ ショウキャク ジッケン ニ オケル タカン ホウコウゾク タンカスイソ PAHs カラ ノ PCDDs DFs セイセイ ノ ケントウ



The pilot scale and the laboratory scale incineration experiments were performed to investigate the mechanism of production of PCDDs/DFs in the industrial waste incineration. First of all, industrial wastes (waste wood, coffee grounds, waste oil, and plastics waste) were incinerated by Rotary kiln+Stoker furnace and Fluidized-bed furnace, and PAHs and PCDDs/DFs in the combustion gas (580-880°C) were analyzed. The PCDFs concentrations were about 10-30 times as high as the PCDDs concentrations. Since the concentration of 9H-fluorene had the high correlation coefficient with that of PCDFs, further lab-scale combustion experiment was performed to determine whether 9H-fluorene contributes to the production of PCDDs/DFs. In the control experiment, graphite and copper chloride were heated to 500°C and 700°C under 10% of oxygen, resulting in the production of PCDFs of which concentration was about 10-30 times as high as that of PCDDs as well as the pilot scale incineration experiments. The addition of 9H-fluorene or 9H-fluorenone to the control system increased the PCDFs concentrations by 3 to 32 times as compared to the control system. Furthermore, GC/MS analyses showed the production of 9H-fluorenone and dibenzofuran from the combustion of 9H-fluorene, indicating that 9H-fluorene was transformed to dibenzofuran via 9H-fluorenone, followed by chlorination of dibenzofuran, i.e., formation of PCDFs. When the heating temperature was raised from 500°C to 700t, the PCDFs concentrations decreased to about 1/50 in the control system and about 1/5 in the 9H-fluorene addition system. This indicated the possibility that the production of PCDFs was controlled by pyrolysis.


  • 環境化学

    環境化学 14 (3), 531-543, 2004

    一般社団法人 日本環境化学会

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