

  • Development of Trapping Method by Solid-Phase Adsorption and Coagulation for PCDDs, PCDFs and Coplanar PCBs in Water
  • コソウ キュウチャク オヨビ ギョウシュウ オ モチイタ スイチュウ ダイオキシンルイ ホシュウホウ ノ カイハツ



To develop a simple and rapid trapping method for analysis of PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs (dioxins) in water, a new solid-phase adsorption and coagulation (SPAC) reagent, which consists of powder activated charcoal, poly aluminum chloride, silica gel and sodium carbonate was studied on recovery tests of spiked dioxins standard to several experiment, environment and waste waters. Their results were also compared to those of the conventional tests such as ODS and liquid-liquid extraction methods. The newly developed reagent was added into experiment, environment and waste waters after shaking well by a little amount of water, and then after allowance to stand for about one hour the precipitated flock was recovered on glass fiber filter. Thereafter, dioxins in the flock were extracted by toluene soxhlet and followed by dioxins determination by HRGC-HRMS. The results of dioxins recovery-test showed nearly same or relatively high recovery rates (>90 %) and reproducibility as compared to those of ODS and liquid-liquid extraction methods. These results indicate that the newly developed SPAC method has the merit of easy operation and high/stable trapping rate of dioxins, being applicable to waste and environment waters with wide range of nature.


  • 環境化学

    環境化学 15 (4), 783-793, 2005

    一般社団法人 日本環境化学会

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