Effects of Shade Provision on Some Physiological Parameters, Behavior and Performance of Pack Donkeys (Equinus asinus) during the Hot-Dry Season
- MINKA Ndazo S.
- College of Agriculture and Animal Science, P.M.B 2134, Ahmadu Bello University
- AYO Joseph O.
- Department of Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University
This study examined the effects of shade provision on some physiological parameters and draft performance of pack donkeys (Equinus asinus) during the packing period of the hot-dry season. Ten donkeys provided with shelter in the form of an open-sided shade after packing work served as the experimental animals. Another ten donkeys not provided with shade served as the control. Rectal temperature (RT, °C), heart rate (HR, beats per minute) and respiratory rate (RR, breaths per minute) recorded pre- and post- packing indicated that unshaded donkeys had significantly (P<0.05) higher values than shaded donkeys pre- and post-packing. The frequency of lying bouts per unshaded donkey was higher in the (P<0.05) pre- and post-packing periods; while the time spent by the donkeys lying down was lower (P<0.01) in unshaded donkeys than the shaded donkeys, apparently due to the high (53.5 ± 0.1-55.2 ± 0.3°C) soil temperature. The percent change in RT, HR, RR and liveweight loss values was higher (P<0.05) in unshaded donkeys. The change rate in behavioral values, except for the frequency of lying down and the donkeys speed, was not different (P>0.05) between the shaded and unshaded donkeys. The pack load and the distance covered by the donkeys in both groups were not significantly (P>0.05) different. The speed of shaded donkeys was significantly (P<0.05) faster than that of the unshaded donkeys during packing. Packing increased (P<0.05) the time spent by the donkeys in eating and drinking in both groups. In conclusion, the provision of shade during the hot-dry season alleviates work and heat stress and enhances work productivity in pack donkeys.<br>
- Journal of Equine Science
Journal of Equine Science 18 (2), 39-46, 2007
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- 130004431227
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- AA11010806
- 13477501
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