An XML Transformation Algorithm Inferred from an Update Script between DTDs

  • SUZUKI Nobutaka
    Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
    Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba

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Finding an appropriate data transformation between two schemas has been an important problem. In this paper, assuming that an update script between original and updated DTDs is available, we consider inferring a transformation algorithm from the original DTD and the update script such that the algorithm transforms each document valid against the original DTD into a document valid against the updated DTD. We first show a transformation algorithm inferred from a DTD and an update script. We next show a sufficient condition under which the transformation algorithm inferred from a DTD d and an update script is unambiguous, i.e., for any document t valid against d, elements to be deleted/inserted can unambiguously be determined. Finally, we show a polynomial-time algorithm for testing the sufficient condition.


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