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  • DLLSA : Dynamic Link Libraryを用いた統計解析ライブラリ
  • DLLSA Dynamic Link Library オ モチイタ トウケイ カイセキ ライブラリ

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Statistical softwares are used for a variety of purposes. Naturally, demands for software vary according to the purpose of users. For educational use, it is not necessary to have many options and elaborate output. On′the other hand, softwares for research and practical use need to meet many kinds of the users′ demands, and hence many option and applicability for further analysis and presentation would be desirable for such softwares. The currently marketed software, however, does not satisfy all the varying demands of users since it is very difficult to create such software. In this paper, to overcome the difficulty, we propose a new approach to make a statistical software and introduce our project called DLLSA(Dynamic Link Library for Statistical Analysis). The purpose of this project is to DLLize various source programs written in several programming languages for statistical analysis and turn them into a library. This means that individual users will make the interface for input/output according to their needs and working environments while using this DLL as a statistical engine. There are many application softwares for the Windows system that can call the DLL. It is also easy to DLLize program sources written in common programming languages such as Basic, C/C++, Fortran, and Pascal. All contents of our library can be downloaded freely from the DLLSA web site.


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