Sorption Equilibria of Amino Acids by Anion Exchange Resins

  • TAKAHASHI Masahiro
    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Suzuka National College of Technology

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  • 陰イオン交換樹脂によるアミノ酸の吸着平衡
  • インイオン コウカン ジュシ ニ ヨル アミノサン ノ キュウチャク ヘイコウ

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Studies have been conducted on the sorption equilibria of seven kinds of amino acids by anion exchange resins of strong basic type (Amberlite IRA-401B) and weak basic type (Duolite A-7).<br> The sorption equilibria of amino acids (A) and hydroxide ion on anion exchange resin of Cl type can be expressed by following equations.<br> &nikkashi_2001_691_en1; (A + RCl RA + Cl)<br>   &nikkashi_2001_691_en2;  (OH + RCl ROH + Cl)<br> The sorption equilibrium constants of amino acids, KA, were 14.3 (Trp), 4.76 (Phe), 1.52 (Leu), 0.909 (Ala), 0.833 (Gly), 1.00 (Glu), 0.909 (Asp) for Amberlite IRA-401B resin, and 3.57 (Trp), 2.00 (Phe), 0.714 (Leu), 2.50 (Ala), 0.714 (Gly), 0.357 (Glu), 0.333 (Asp) for Duolite A-7 resin, respectively. The sorption equilibrium constants of hydroxide ion, KOH, were 4.00 for Amberlite IRA-401B resin and 1.10 for Duolite A-7 resin, respectively. The highest KA value was obtained for Trp, being larger than the value for Asp by a factor of about 16 for Amberlite IRA-401B and about 11 for Duolite A-7 resin.<br> It was found that the sorption equilibrium constants of amino acids increase with increasing hydrophobicity except sorption of Ala and Gly for Duolite A-7 resin.


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