Analysis of Ten Kidney Donors for Transplantation and the Practice of Kidney Donation

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  • 心停止後腎臓移植ドナー10例の解析と献腎の実際

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In our hospital, if a patient fall into a brain dead state or close to a brain dead state, the option of deceased donor kidney transplantation is proposed or recommended. As a result, ten donors were obtained in the recent four years. Those ten cases were ・ four traumas, four SAHs, one intracerebral hematoma, and one cerebral embolism. Among the twenty kidneys from the ten patients, seventeen kidneys were transplanted into recipients, and sixteen kidneys functioned satisfactorily eventually. Among the three unused kidneys from two patients, one kidney suffered from direct traumatic damage, and two kidneys from one patient were colored blue due to intra-arterial thrombosis. In the patient with the blue kidneys, a persistent hypoxic state, no irrigation of the preservation fluid, failure of the heparinization, and elongation of the warm ischemic time were considered to have affected the thrombosis. On the other hand, the kidneys successfully transplanted showed good tolerance and viability under such severe conditions as oligouria, anuria, acute renal failure, and hyperthermia. The neurosurgeon must play an important role as an organizer in organ transplantation. For the purpose of the promotion of deceased donor kidney transplantation in Japan, the enlightenment of the neurosurgeons is essential.


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