Effects of Advancing Periodontitis on the Dental Pulp

    Department of Periodontology Niigata University School of Dentistry
  • TAKATSUKA Mariko
    Department of Periodontology Niigata University School of Dentistry
  • SHIMIZU Tomoko
    Department of Periodontology Niigata University School of Dentistry
  • NODA Toshikatsu
    Department of Periodontology Niigata University School of Dentistry
  • HARA Kohji
    Department of Periodontology Niigata University School of Dentistry

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The present investigation was to examine whether pathologic changes in the dental pulp may be induced by advancing perodontitis or not.<br>Thirteen periodontally diseased teeth as experimental group and 5 teeth with clinically healthy periodontium as contol group were used in this study. The extracted teeth were pre-fixed, demineralized, post-fixed and embedded in Epon 812. The serial transverse sections of 1μm thickness prepared were stained with toluidine blue and obseved for microscopic findings.<br>The results were as follows;<br>1) Of 13 experimental teeth, the histologically healthy pulp in 6 teeth, the hyperemia in 2 teeth, the inflammatory change in one tooth, chronic pulpitis in one tooth and necrosis in 3 teeth were found.<br>2) The pulp of periodontally advanced teeth with deep pocket in 10mm and 100% bone loss showed the pathological lesions in many cases.<br>3) Bacterial invasion into the pulp via apical foramen would cause a pulp necrosis.


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