Oral Health Management in An Elderly Patient with Physical Disabilities And Trisums Caused by Cerebrovascular Accident: A Case Report

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  • 開口障害を有する要介護・脳梗塞後遺症患者に対する口腔衛生管理

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This report describes the oral health management of an 81-year-old female patient who was dependent on the services of caregivers for her activities of daily living. This patient also had trismus, probably caused by cerebrovasclular events. The physical disability prevented her from engaging in adequate oral self-care, and because of the trismus, the daily oral care given by nurses and caregivers /professional oral care by oral hygienists was not adequate either. In addition, dental treatments could hardly be implemented; therefore, the oral hygiene eventually deteriorated markedly. Since she developed severe halitosis as reported by her family members and general duty nurses, the patient was referred to our clinic for more intensive oral health management, including treatment of trismus. We attempted to diagnose the cause of trismus by medical examination. Thereafter, with appropriate treatment, the trisums improved and as a result, the halitosis disappeared and the oral hygiene and periodontal condition improved dramatically. Meanwhile, the number of days with fever in a month started to decrease, reflecting improvement in the systemic condition. By reporting this case, we wish to emphasize the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene in hospitalized elderly patients with physical disabilities, and the important roles that must be played by the dental clinic in general hospitals in the care of such patients.<BR>Nihon Shishubyo Gakkai Kaishi (J Jpn Periodontol) 52(1): 62-72, 2010.



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