Classification and Characterization of Basic Treatment Options for Material Management (part 1)
- TASAKI Tomohiro
- Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
- ISHIZUKA Takanori
- E&E Solutions Inc.
- TAKIGAMI Hidetaka
- Center for Material Cycles and Waste Management Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 物質管理の基本方策の類型化とその特徴把握(その1)
- 物質管理の基本方策の類型化とその特徴把握(その1)物質管理の変遷と管理方策の類型化,曝露防止・クローズド化・管理体制の整備の特徴
- ブッシツ カンリ ノ キホン ホウサク ノ ルイケイカ ト ソノ トクチョウ ハアク(ソノ 1)ブッシツ カンリ ノ ヘンセン ト カンリ ホウサク ノ ルイケイカ,バクロ ボウシ ・ クローズドカ ・ カンリ タイセイ ノ セイビ ノ トクチョウ
- - History of Material Management in Japan and Features of Exposure Prevention, Closing of Flows, and Establishment of Management Systems -
- -物質管理の変遷と管理方策の類型化,曝露防止・クローズド化・管理体制の整備の特徴-
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While increased attention has been paid to strengthening of chemical management, the necessity to establish safety management of recycled products and resource management has been also increasing. Materials have both of valuable and hazardous aspects, and thus integrated material management that takes into account the both aspects is needed. We reviewed 151 acts in Japan relating to material management, and identified three major historical trends: the expansion of the number and category of materials, the expansion of the scope of subjects to be protected, and the expansion of the life stages.<BR>A detailed review on 829 articles from 44 acts identified that there were six groups (seven subgroups) of treatment options for material management. Those are (1)exposure prevention, (2)closing of flows, (3)gate-checking, (4)informational management (notification and traceability), (5)resource supply/use, and (6)establishment of management systems. We found that applicability of gate-checking and notification to the post-consumer (downstream) stages were lower, exposure prevention and closing of flows were less applied to the use stage, which led to increased importance of informational management at the use stage, establishment of management systems were widely applied to all the life stages, etc.<BR>Finally, we discussed features of the above mentioned (1), (2), and (6).
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 25 (4), 259-279, 2012
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679396250368
- NII Article ID
- 10030929508
- NII Book ID
- AN10165252
- 18845029
- 09150048
- 023915330
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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