Detailed Estimation of Energy Consumption in the Commercial Sector by Business Type

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  • 民生業務部門における業種別エネルギー消費量の詳細推計
  • ミンセイ ギョウム ブモン ニ オケル ギョウシュベツ エネルギー ショウヒリョウ ノ ショウサイ スイケイ

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To design domestic mid- and long-term countermeasures against global warming, it is important to know fossil fuel consumption and CO2 emission trends while considering the relationship between different lifestyles and the industrial structure. Although the energy consumption of major manufacturing industries has been surveyed for many years, surveys of energy consumption in the commercial sector are not necessarily sufficient. Therefore, this study estimated the detailed energy consumption structure in the commercial sector in Japan. There are many detailed surveys of the energy consumption in commercial buildings, and the data from these surveys are in the form of specific energy consumption, i.e., the amount of energy consumed per standard unit of floor area. However, specific forms of energy consumption are usually aggregated by building use, such as for office buildings, retail stores, etc., while the information on the types of business is not included. Therefore, we first estimated the gross floor area of existing buildings by building use for each type of business. Next, we calculated the energy consumption for each type of business by multiplying the estimated floor areas by the specific energy consumption from demand-side surveys and compared the results with the statistical data. Finally, we showed the energy consumption structure in the commercial sector by business type, energy source, building use, and energy use.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 26 (5), 430-439, 2013



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