Amounts and PCB Contents of 10 Types of Low-concentration PCB Waste

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  • 各種低濃度PCB廃棄物の量とそれらのPCB量の推算
  • カクシュ テイノウド PCB ハイキブツ ノ リョウ ト ソレラ ノ PCBリョウ ノ スイサン

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We calculated the amount of each the 10 types of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) waste with PCB concentrations less than 5,000 mg/kg, and each amount of PCB within the waste as of March 2013 in Japan. The waste is categorized as electric equipment contaminated with trace PCB, oil-filled cables, three types of secondary waste discharged from the Japan Environmental Storage and Safety Corporation (JESCO), four types of stored waste notified to prefectures, and paint films from large road bridges. The total amount of PCB in the wastes is calculated as 41.4 tons. This amount of PCB is 0.20% of JESCOʼs predetermined treatment amount. The amounts of PCB in electric equipment, secondary waste from JESCO, stored sludge, stored rubble, and paint films are 7,340, 3,690, 5,670, 7,520 and 16,040 kg, respectively. A new efficient treatment policy that takes these data into consideration is required.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 28 (5), 359-368, 2015


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