Effectiveness and Challenges of Stakeholder Analysis in Co-design and Co-product of Science and Society
- BABA Kenshi
- Hosei University, Center for Regional Research
- MATSUURA Masahiro
- University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Public Policy
- Research Institute of Humanity and Nature
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- Other Title
- 科学と社会の共創に向けたステークホルダー分析の可能性と課題
- 科学と社会の共創に向けたステークホルダー分析の可能性と課題 : 福井県小浜市における地下水資源の利活用をめぐる潜在的論点の抽出からの示唆
- カガク ト シャカイ ノ キョウソウ ニ ムケタ ステークホルダー ブンセキ ノ カノウセイ ト カダイ : フクイケン オバマシ ニ オケル チカスイ シゲン ノ リ カツヨウ オ メグル センザイテキ ロンテン ノ チュウシュツ カラ ノ シサ
- -福井県小浜市における地下水資源の利活用をめぐる潜在的論点の抽出からの示唆-
- Implications from a Case Study of Identifying Potential Issues on Utilization of Groundwater Resource in Obama
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This study identifies the stakeholders and their interests and clarifies the potential disputes to examine sustainable use of groundwater by stakeholder analysis in Obama which depends on groundwater as major source of water. The results demonstrate as follows. Firstly, there are gaps among stakeholders in terms of prerequisite knowledge. Therefore, sharing scientific evidence between stakeholders through Joint Fact-finding will help to build consensus regarding the future direction of groundwater management. Secondly, the degree of interest depends on local communities, generations and possibility of switching groundwater to tap water. It is imperative that adequate consideration is given to the diversity of stakeholders in promoting JFF. Thirdly, there is a lack of cooperation among stakeholders. Especially, Involvement of agricultural sector who should have positive relationship with groundwater in nature will be one of the keys to solve multi-issues solution. From a perspective of adaptive governance which will be more important under in operation of the Hydrological Circulation Fundamental Law, effectiveness of stakeholder analysis is to identify a new issue such as above, while challenge of it is not to provide a new framing. Therefore blowing a whistle from scientists to the stakeholders in the process of the analysis would be needed.
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 28 (4), 304-315, 2015
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282679400202240
- NII Article ID
- 130005160372
- NII Book ID
- AN10165252
- 18845029
- 09150048
- 026648775
- Text Lang
- ja
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