Future Electric Power System Using PV and Wind Power

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We estimated the induced effects of construction and equipment operation spending on the installation of photovoltaic and wind power generation plants and corresponding smart-grid systems in Japan. We conducted an input-output analysis based on the assumptions made in technical reports published by METI and CRIEPI. The analysis based on METIʼs findings shows that it is better to control power output rather than introduce large-scale battery storage systems in order to stabilize a power system. Lower costs and reduced CO2 emissions per GWh also show the merits of shifting consumersʼ electricity usage over time. The analysis based on CRIEPIʼs findings shows that it is less expensive to use thermal power plant control in order to stabilize a power system, but associated CO2 emissions are higher. Our study shows that emissions decrease with the increase in the amount of energy produced by renewable sources. We also show that the introduction of certain measures to ease the limiting conditions for instantaneous supply-demand balance of electric power are likely to decrease the costs of and CO2 emissions from the electricity utility. One such measure is to shift consumersʼ electricity usage over time. We intend to examine the impact of this measure in our future research.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 28 (4), 291-303, 2015


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