Determination of Parameter Indicating Water-use Efficiency on Global Model for Industrial Water-use Forecasts

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It is believed that industrial water use will increase rapidly in the future due to rapid urbanization and economic growth, especially in developing countries. In this research, the forecasting model, which uses GDP values and water-use efficiency parameter η, was focused and the factors influencing the parameter η were investigated. Past industrial water use data and GDP data from 133 countries was referred to in order to determine the appropriate η value. Consequently, η values could be determined based on factors such as whether a country produces oil, water storage per capita and GDP per capita. The average η values were applied to each category of country. Forecasts for 1980 to 2005 based on 1980 values indicated trends in actual water use better than forecasts using previously assumed η values. These η values also appear to be effective when making forecasts for the near future. Forecasts until 2025 were also made based on the future scenario called Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP1, SSP2 and SSP3). Parameter η should be changed following economic growth or depending on the industry structure of a country to make forecasts for the far future.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 26 (3), 257-265, 2013



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