Evaluation of Scenarios for Alleviating Farmers’ Poverty in Citarum River Basin, Indonesia

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Recently, reservoir sedimentation and eutrophication have become a big problem in Citarum river basin. One factor has been cultivation of forest and it leads soil erosion and nutrient runoff in farmland. There is farmers’ poverty problem in the background. Then, to propose some scenarios for alleviating farmers’ poverty, questionnaire of farmers and estimation of the impact of potential water resource and rice straw utility were carried out.<BR>As a result of questionnaire, it was noted that farmers were not satisfied with the income from rice production but there was not enough employment opportunities to compensate for it. Furthermore, they don’t want to move to another place seeking for a job, and then it is needed that the existing paddy rice farming system should be improved. As a scenario, when potential water resource is developed and rice straw is utilized as a material for bio-ethanol, the income of farmers is estimated to increase by 1.7 times without land use change.



    ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 26 (3), 236-243, 2013



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