Phylogenetic diversity and cryptic species of the ectomycorrhizal fungus <i>Cenococcum geophilum</i>

  • OBASE Keisuke
    Department of Plant Pathology, University of Florida, Microbial Ecology Laboratory, Department of Forest Microbiology, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute

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  • 外生菌根菌<i>Cenococcum geophilum</i>の系統学的多様性と隠蔽種について
  • 外生菌根菌Cenococcum geophilumの系統学的多様性と隠蔽種について
  • ソト セイキン コンキン Cenococcum geophilum ノ ケイトウガクテキ タヨウセイ ト インペイシュ ニ ツイテ

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<p>The anamorphic fungus Cenococcum geophilum Fr. (Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota) is one of the most common and widespread fungi in boreal to temperate regions. The fungus forms tiny black, round to irregular sclerotia abundantly in forest soils and makes symbiotic associations with various woody plants such as the members of Pinaceae, Fagaceae and Betulaceae. Here, I introduced basic information about taxonomy and genetic diversity of the fungus based on review of previous studies and then showed the results of my recent study that revisited the phylogenetic diversity of C. geophilum by using new data from Florida (USA) with existing data from North America, Europe and Japan in Genbank. Multi-locus phylogenetic analysis revealed that C. geophilum is monophyletic but includes larger numbers of well-supported lineages and also more phylogenetically-distinct cryptic species than have been reported. Also, the divergent cryptic lineage has never formed ectomycorrhizas with several pine and oak seedlings, indicating it is putatively non-ectomycorrhizal. Finally, I discussed the phylogenetic diversity of C. geophilum sensu lato and ecological characteristics of the cryptic lineage and considered the necessity of taxonomic delimitation based on ecological and molecular attributes along with morphological characteristics.</p> <p>(Japanese Journal of Mycology 57: 23−30, 2016)</p>


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