Development of Gas Sensors for Detecting SF<sub>5</sub> Decompotsition Products and Locating Faults in GIS

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  • GIS故障点標定のための分解ガスセンサの開発
  • GIS コショウテン ヒョウテイ ノ タメ ノ ブンカイ ガス センサ ノ カ
  • Potentiometric Solid State Ionic Sensor
  • 電圧出力型固体電解質センサの基礎特性

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Gas sensors for detecting SF5 decomposition products are being actively pursued as low cost instrumentation for detecting and locating faults in GIS. We developed a potentiometric solid state ionic sensor using high ionic conductive solid. The sensor responded to the changes in HF concentration ranging from 1 to 1000wt.ppm in SF6 gas at 1atm. The electromotive force of the sensor increased linearly with an increase in the logarithm of PHF following Nernst equation. The slope of the line suggested that the number of charge transfer of the electrode reaction is unity.


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