

  • A Real-time CG Rendering of Takigi Noh based on Reflectance Analysis(<Special issue>Digital Museum Evolution)
  • 反射光解析に基づく薪能のリアルタイムCG表現
  • ハンシャコウ カイセキ ニ モトズク タキギノウ ノ リアルタイム CG ヒョウゲン



We propose a real-time anisotropic BTF rendering and animation method of Noh-costume under dynamic lighting with bonfire flickering effect in the Takigi Noh lighting environment. In the Takigi Noh, Noh costumes of gold brocades shines and flickers beautifully and intricately with torches set around the Noh stage that provide the illumination. To represent the anisotropic reflectance of the Noh costume, first, we model the anisotropic reflectance of the Noh costume of gold brocades with the bidirectional texture function (BTF), which extended the Ashikhmin's bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) model. Then, we represent the bonfire flame by procedural texture as dynamic ambient map to perform the same calculation as direct calculation from environment map. Finally, using the generated pixelated light source, actor and stage model, and motion data, the rendering of the anisotropic reflectance of the Noh costume fabric under dynamic lighting is achieved.


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