Development of a Teleoperation system with Haptic Image for Underwater Backhoe

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  • 触像を用いた水中バックホウ遠隔操作インタフェースの開発 : 難視界下における防波堤マウンド均し作業の機械化(「バーチャルVR~VR技術の応用・転用・新展開」特集)
  • 触像を用いた水中バックホウ遠隔操作インタフェースの開発
  • ショクゾウ オ モチイタ スイチュウ バックホウ エンカク ソウサ インタフェース ノ カイハツ

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Mechanization of diving operations is necessary for safer and more efficient underwater construction works in port areas. Teleoperated underwater construction machines are under developing. The detection system as well as the operation one is required for these machines. The problem is that the conventional TV camera system is useless in water because of turbidity. Haptic information is introduced to help controlling construction machines substituting for visual information. We examined the ability of machine experimentally on a real sea area. Experimental results show that accuracy of leveling are +17cm±8cm, and the construction efficiency of the system is 25.6 m^2/h. It is proved that the concept of authors' proposed system is enough effective for the operation in such turbid water as visual information is not available, and it has sufficient performance for actual construction works.


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