Nurses' Attitudes toward Mentally Disordered Offender (MDO) Patients : A Qualitative Study of Composite Elements

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  • 触法精神障がい者に対する看護師の態度の構成要件に関する質的研究
  • ショクホウ セイシンショウ ガ イ シャ ニ タイスル カンゴシ ノ タイド ノ コウセイ ヨウケン ニ カンスル シツテキ ケンキュウ

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After the passing of new legislation on mentally disordered offender (MDO) patients in 2005, care for MDO patients has become a matter of concern in Japan. This study aims to identify composite elements of nurses' attitudes toward MDO patients. Open-ended interviews were conducted with 12 nurses caring for MDO patients at three psychiatric hospitals. Data were analyzed qualitatively and inductively according to the methodology of Berelson, and 15 categories were extracted.<br>Five of the extracted categories related to relationships between nurses and MDO patients. Four categories related to medical treatment for MDO patients were extracted. Two categories related to MDO patients returning to communities were extracted. The remaining, four categories related to feelings about MDO patients.<br>Nurses must resolve their conflicted feelings about MDO patients, and should learn more about MDO patients in order to improve their nursing for them and overcome their negative attitudes towards them. Furthermore, it is necessary to establish regional support systems for MDO patients.


  • Iryo To Shakai

    Iryo To Shakai 20 (4), 341-352, 2011

    The Health Care Science Institute


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