A Method for Estimating Migration in a Small Area and its Application

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  • 小地域における転出入人口の推計とその空間分布特性
  • ショウ チイキ ニ オケル テンシュツニュウ ジンコウ ノ スイケイ ト ソノ

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Many different approaches have been adopted to predict the regional population. It is, however, very difficult to predict the in-/out-migration in a small area, since the migration rates are not homogeneous over the urban space. The lack of data-base on local migration also keeps us away from the numerical studies in this field. This study describes the method for constructing the age-sex and in-/out-migration in a small area using the existing materials based on the population census. Furthermore, we attempt to analyze the spatial distribution of migration rates from the point of view of the place inherence.



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