A computer aided instruction system for finite element method.

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  • 計算機援用有限要素法教育システムの開発
  • ケイサン キ エンヨウ ユウゲン ヨウソホウ キョウイク システム ノ カ

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A Computer Aided Instruction System for the Finite Element Method has been developed. The system consists of a super-mini computer with 20 terminals and some software which is especially designed for mass instruction at the undergraduate level. It has been used in a 15-week FEM course with approximately 120 third year students in which each student is required to write his own program consisting of a main program and 11 subroutines. Their accomplishments of the assignments have been measured through the system which enables adaptation of the course in the following week. "QUESTION" and "SELF-LEARNING" systems have been also provided to assist students with the assignments. The statistical data thus obtained during the semester has been analysed to determine the effectiveness of the system. It is concluded that the present CAI system works satisfactorily.


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